SoulRattle Rest and Embodiment Sanctuary



Welcome to SoulRattle, the online Rest and Embodiment Sanctuary, hosted by me, Kerry Martinez. This site includes virtual and in person Yoga Nidra Rest, Yoga and other Embodiment Practices, Sound Healing, Astrology and In Person Rest Retreats.  I am so glad you are here!

The intention of SoulRattle is centered around creating community and restful spaces so that you can cultivate presence to living your life in alignment with your Spirit and your true Mission. The hope is that guidance through any session resonates deeply within you and you can rest in the space of the true Eternal Presence/the Oneness, at home, in your heart.

The conscious intention at SoulRattle is for you to feel supported and empowered to cultivate the witness within yourself and help you find your higher Source power. When you work with me, we meet right where you are.  There is permission to embrace your own true Self with compassionate understanding.  You begin to accept yourself and life just as it is, understanding that life is happening FOR YOU.

Now, let's get started and embark on a journey of self discovery and self acceptance.


Hi!  I’m Kerry Martinez, your instructor and I’m very glad you are here.

I’m an Exercise Physiologist and mindful embodiment practices teacher with further training in Yoga and QiGong (Taoist) movement and philosophies. These deeper practices which include body movement, energy work, sound healing and Yoga Nidra (rest) assist you on your own journey to reconnect to your higher, inner Self.  It is within the layers of these healing practices that you have the opportunity to find home within your body and Self.

My teaching style is very much a weaving of all my movement and healing studies.  Classes, 1:1 work, sound healing, rest and meditation sessions are infused with humor, open space, and compassion. When you work with me at SoulRattle you have the permission and sacred space to BE yourself exactly how you show up, and we meet, together, right where you are. 

Here's the truth:  You are already exactly who you are meant to be and exactly where you are supposed to be too! You have permission to embrace your own true Self compassionately so that you can move into alignment with life itself.

These SoulRattle practices are for EVERYBODY!

Practices are made to be gentle, safe, purpose filled and subtle. Connecting the body to the mind through meditative movement, sound, energy awareness and meditative stillness, nurtures our spirit and leads us to our core truths. When you rest in your mind and observe, you have space for healing.  Healing is the process of finding thought/behavior patterns within that create imbalance in the body, mind and in life itself.  Acceptance allows for release of what no longer serves you and compassion eases you through.  SoulRattle practices assist addressing the root causes of our issues.